Dress - 2 complete dresses - long and short from an amazing designer - (Evangeline Miles) at Evie's Closet. Aventine is stunning and comes in a number of gorgeous colors. I've only shown the shorter dress in the box here - the long one in the box is a MUST SEE - so get yourself over there!
Wreath - *EC* Wreath of Flowers at Evie's Closet - tons and tons of color changes on the wreath - It will go with anything!
Wings - Small Bloodvine Nebula Wings at Fancy Fairy - (animated and they change to a number of colors on touch!)
Skin - omg!!! new skins at Curio!! :GP: Petal [Dark] Lovely-Gossamer 1. I love this one - It has a bit of a sad look.

Places to Go:
Cocos Island - Costa Rica
Arkon - The Ninahalia Tribe
MAHJONG-PARADISE, give this one plenty of time to rez
::: Omega Point ::: Dark Fantasy Cyber World
Energy Island