Monday, October 15, 2007

Friends and Lovers

I had a great weekend!

I actually posted some stuff under the "New Products" in the forums. Ugg - I procrastinated. Should have done it weeks ago.

I took the weekend off..yup - I did. No building at all, just lots of shopping and exploring.

You might notice all the new links on the right of this page - hey! check em out! They are all good.

You know as much as I seek a friend and lover, maybe it's just not possible in SL..or at the very least unlikely. If the friendship relationship is really strong, and the chemestry is there, should you let it turn into more? Unfortunately, one gentleman believes if we were to become lovers, our friendship would be ruined when we broke up. Wow - this floored me! I took a look into my SL past and paused.

Maybe he is right. Does this mean I should not pursue friendship with someone I want more from? Hmmm..Something to think about.

Oh, check out my awesome Halloween Treat bag. Best treat bag ever!!

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