Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Well, today is one of those days. My sweetheart will be gone for a week, so hell.....why dress fancy?

Let's just dress down and take a walk through the mean streets of Midian. In case you didn't know, it's a dark rp community. Yes girlies, that means kidnapping, violence, drugs, gangs, capture and some wicked forced fantasy - but all within a story line.

When you enter for the first time - read the rules and put on the observer tag in the note. Really, wear it! If you wear a "Victim" tag, you could become a target. I swear, I have never seen sooo many victims in my whole freakin life.

Oh, and I must admit - the rumors are true - the guys are better looking in Midian. If you want an adventure - go check it out!!

This great trashy skirt has been in my closet for some time. It did appear a bit bright when i first put it on, so i did open the edit textures and toned down the white (click the color box) to a light gray. It did make a difference. I am looking a tad grungy tonight, but what the heck, it fits this sim.

This lovely white tank..needed a bit of dirt to fit the roleplay, so yes, you can buy a jacket of dirt! How great is that?

I did pick up a new skin today at Fleur. It was from the collection to the side of the main collection. I thought it would give me a bit of a moody look.

So go out tonight - walk the wicked streets - and check out those men!

Hair - Naughty, Maya
Skirt - Sh*t Happens - Trashy Ass Skirt (only 20L!!!)
Boots - TheAbyss - NAU Combat Boots
Skin - Fleur Boutique Lily Shoujo 6
Dirt - Sh*t Happens, Dirt Overlay
Tank - any Plain Tank (White)

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